By Femi Olomola - August 30, 2016
Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page [facebook.com/club4christ] so you will be getting all future sermon. God bless you as you do.
Title: God's portion
Bible text: Mark 12: 13-17
Preacher: Pst. Femi. Olomola
                  (President, Elshaddai-Elohim Youth Ministry)
Copyright© Femi. Olomola 2017 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] June, 2017
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "Destiny Manager" to understand how a man’s destiny is being secretly managed to follow a certain path or journey and thereby satisfying the desire of the one taking lordship over the process. Destiny as it is defined in our last sermon can be managed by God and Satan depending on the one which you have allowed to take his place in you. Though God is the creator of everything in the world and He set his plan sure from the beginning but so many things along this journey of life can set or divert His good desire for us to turn out to be something entirely different from His plan. May the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "God’s portion" in other to understand how God owns a right of a certain portion over you and everything you have, I mean everything that practically or systematically belong to you whether you belong to Him [God] as a son or not or whether you serve Him or not, just as the secular government collect a certain portion of benefit as tax over your head, that is exactly how God owns a right of benefit over you and yours and therefore, you must honour Him with His own share so you can live at peace with the remainder because it will be detrimental if you refuse to voluntarily honour him, but rather being compelled to do so which will come with punishment that you cannot escape from. Bearing in mind that the devil also claim a certain share over man but which is meant to steal, kill or destroy the glory of God in them [John 10: 10], you will understand details as you read through. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Though God is the creator of all things both the heaven and the earth and all that dwell within it [Psalms 24: 1] but after He created the earth, He gave everything solely to man to rule over it, manage it and reproduce good things from it [Genesis 1: 26-31] and at the same time report back to Him [God] of what they have done with what He gave them [Romans 14: 12], and therefore, man, became a god on their own [Proverb 16: 9, Psalm 82: 6, John 10: 34] especially over what they have or what they have produced with their own hands but God has a sole right of share over all that they have produced because He is the creator and the one that oversee all the affair of man [Daniel 4: 17] just as the case of the secular government we narrated above that because they oversee the affair of the country and therefore have a sole right to share part of your benefit as tax being collected over every individual and which you must not default because if you do, there will be punishment as statutory or legal to that effect, this is exactly how spiritual principles also work. But then, you know that a tax will not be collected from an infant but from those that have grown up to a knowledge to start reproduction in the area working to fetch income for themselves, this is exactly how God will not hold anything against you when you are still an infant but rather as you come up to a stage when you begin to have a sense of your own.
You see, do not be deceived, God and Satan has a certain portion over you and over whatsoever thing you have [Mark 12: 17]. The reason why the devil came into this is because man, themselves, that is our first parent, Adam and Eve, voluntarily invite the devil and gave him authority over them by a way of breaking the covenant between them and God, where God had critically forewarned them not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil [Genesis 2: 16-17] which critically mean that evil and good must share a ground or a foot hold in man, this is practically how sin enters the whole world through our first parent which now gave the devil some level of authority and a foot hold over man and after this have been achieved, man could not overcome sin any longer because evil which is the devil has an authority over them [man] [Romans 6: 14].
As a result of the above, sin became the order of the day on the earth [Genesis 6: 5-6] and when God can no longer bear such level or height of iniquities, He Had pity over man that instead of destroying them as He did before [Genesis 6: 5-8], He gave them another chance which is the final escape root by sending His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] to pay the price of their disobedience, which is death [1 John 2: 2], because He had forewarned our first parent [Adam and Eve] that if they partake of that tree of knowledge of good and of evil as explained above, they will surely die [Genesis 2: 17] and so, Jesus Christ came to pay the price of death so that the punishment [curse] of breaking the covenant with God can be lifted off but only to those who genuinely seek and accept Him as their lord and savior that this privilege will be available to. Therefore I urgently will admonish you to seek Him [Jesus Christ] who is the only one that can reconnect you back to God the father because there is no other way except Him so that you can live a life not under sin but under grace.
Our lord, Jesus Christ, speaking in the above bible text [Mark 12: 13-17 NLT] which read “Later the leader sent some Pharisees and supporter of Herod to trap Jesus into saying something for which He could be arrested. Teacher they said, we know how honest you are, you are impartial and don’t play favourite. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us; is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we? Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, why are you trying to trap me? Show me a roman coin and i will tell you, when they handed it to Him He asked, whose picture and title are stamped on it? Caesar’s they reply. Well then, Jesus said, give to Caesar what belong to Caesar and give to God what belong to God, His reply completely amazed them” 
Beloved, while God is trying to behold Man which He, Himself, created for His good and desire, the devil, also usually make a claim over them based on the authority which man had given him [devil] as explained above and this is why the book of [Galatians 5: 17-18 NIV] tell us that “for the flesh desire what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law”
As you know the devil works through the flesh as the component in man which is corruptible and he [devil] cannot overcome God because God created Him [devil] but the power to allow the devil have his way or not lies in man as God had given them [man] the power of freewill which made them God on their own to explicitly take their decision from their heart [Proverb 16: 9] and based on this, it is the once that diligently and genuinely seek God through His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] that will be saved from the hand of the devil because without Jesus Christ, no man can overcome the devil, rather they will be working for him [devil] unknowingly since it is either you are with the devil or with Jesus Christ as there is no middle place but I pray for you that the power you need to overcome the devil in all his devices, may the lord gives to you in Jesus name.
We have learnt from above that the devil make a claim on every individual even among the children of God but to those who have genuinely surrender their life to Christ and allow Him to take charge over them and who really know what they are doing and as well know the God whom they serve shall do exploit [Daniel 11: 32b] and will be the set of believer that can put the devil under total subjection and thereby have the power to control what they want and the devil cannot stop them [Luke 10: 19] though the devil may still try to make a claim of his share either in the area of property, money, shelter, woman, sickness, disease, children, trial, jobs and so many others which could either comes as stealing or destroying and killing as this is his [devil] major business on earth [John 10: 10] but in any way these set of believer as describe above holds the power and authority to control more than ninety percent of their freedom to which the remainder is a very minute fraction which cannot hold them down and they may not feel anything to that effect and which will be the sacrifice burned for passing through this world because there must be a sacrifice to that effect but individual capability will actually determine the degree to which this is manifested.
Those that are not of Christ will be helpless in the above scenario because they have no authority over the devil and he will cheaply decide what to take from them even beyond measure. The devil may also gives you riches to steal your soul which is of eternal value and have lordship over you and your generation especially when he [devil] sees the light of God within and so he can do anything to make sure the light does not shine because he has his own power controlling the air and so, whatever he want can be made available to him but limited to the earth because he is of this world [John 8: 23]. 
Now let’s look at those thing that are God’s right over man that will give you abundant peace with the remainder because when Godly sole portion or share is observe, He [God] will gives you power and at the same time help you to put the devil under total subjection and have him under your foot since He is the only one that can stop the devil for you as no man on earth has the power of himself to deal with the devil except God be with him.
1. Fellowship with God:
The primary objectives of God creating man is to fellowship with them [1 Chronicle 16: 29-31,  Matthew 22: 36-38, 1 John 1: 3], to adore Him [God] as God and to worship Him as the owner of the one that has your soul spirit and body [1 Chronicle 16: 23-25, Revelation 4: 8-11], to praise him as the most powerful and the all sufficient of ancient time [Psalms 99: 1-3, Psalm 33: 1-6], to give Him thanks as the creator and owner of the whole universe and the one that oversea the affair of man [Psalm 95: 2-3]. Beloved, fellowshipping with God is the most expensive of all sacrifice to God Himself because He desire it even more than your burnt offering especially the one that comes from a broken spirit and contrite heart [Psalm 51: 16-17]. 
One thing to note about fellowshipping with God is that the one to fellowship with the almighty must be holy and remain holy in all his or her life desire and endeavors because God is holy and He only accept such offering from a holy and humble heart [1 Peter 1: 16, Amos 3: 3]. To fellowship with God involve fellowship of saints with His brethren and of course, your periodic and constant personal hour of praise and worship with Him, as well as your personal hour of His world to grow deeper in His knowledge day by day. All of these are a right of God over you as the one that create you because when you fail in this area, there are implications which serve as punishment and that is to be cursed! Which means that God Himself will send His soldiers to cause a restriction on the individual [Joel 2: 25] but that will not come until you have a sense of your own and have received adequate messages of salvation and warning just as I’m sharing this with you because God is a just God and He will not hold anything against you when you don’t have a sense of your own or when you have not been forewarned severally [John 15: 22] and like I said above, a man could gain the whole world but loses his soul which is of eternal value
2. Showing appreciation to Him as a true servant so He can do more:
God is a real father, just as your biological father and all the attribute found in your earthly father can be found in Him also except carnal desire of the flesh because He is a spirit and not a man [John 4: 24]. True worship and adoration will not be complete without showing appreciation as a loyal and faithful servant [Malachi 3: 8, 2 Corinthians 9: 7]. God desire your appreciation much as He desire you, especially the once done with a joyful and grateful heart [1 Thessalonica 5: 18, Luke 17: 11-19, 2 Corinthians 9: 7] because this is a spiritual principle to which God Himself operate but your thanksgiving will not be completed or accepted if it is done with a heart of unforgiveness [Matthew 23: 23] as God is a God of purity and holiness and expect you to be pure in heart even towards your fellow man before an acceptance could be credited before Him [Matthew 23: 23].
In whatever you do, you should recognize that God is the creator of everything on this planet, including you and so, He deserve a right of your fellowship and of your deep appreciation at least for creating you and giving you the opportunity to be on this planet and also being among the living. Please note that the devil does not create anything because God created him [Ezekiel 28: 12-17] and so, he only dwell on what God has created and likewise, cannot wipe away your curses because God Himself places the curse on mankind for disobeying Him [God] [Genesis 3: 1-19] and therefore He [God] is the only one that can remove it since He is the one that create it. Simple. I pray the lord grant grace of deeper understanding into this great lecture in Jesus name.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and equally partake of the effectiveness of his wrath and the blessing that comes with it, and that you are sure, you are ready to repent from all those sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and i accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note: 
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to overcome the desire of the flesh as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. You can also look out for all our previous publish article and book to deepen your knowledge in Christ and this will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener with several topics about God and human existence and knowing the true God and which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life. Ignorance is the highest form of bondage that limit your power of knowledge in God which carry much power above all things on this earth, so be informed of God knowledge and stay out of the dark circle. The lord bless you as you do.
If you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. We also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
Personal Contact: 
WhatsApp: 07010795629
BBM Pin: 2B43366F1
Twitter Handle: @fmdot10k
Facebook: Youth and Single Empowerment Club. YASEC. [facebook.com/club4christ]
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner. 
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
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Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page [facebook.com/club4christ] so you will be getting all future sermon. God bless you as you do.
Title: God's portion
Bible text: Mark 12: 13-17
Preacher: Pst. Femi. Olomola
                  (President, Elshaddai-Elohim Youth Ministry)
Copyright© Femi. Olomola 2017 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] June, 2017
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "Destiny Manager" to understand how a man’s destiny is being secretly managed to follow a certain path or journey and thereby satisfying the desire of the one taking lordship over the process. Destiny as it is defined in our last sermon can be managed by God and Satan depending on the one which you have allowed to take his place in you. Though God is the creator of everything in the world and He set his plan sure from the beginning but so many things along this journey of life can set or divert His good desire for us to turn out to be something entirely different from His plan. May the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "God’s portion" in other to understand how God owns a right of a certain portion over you and everything you have, I mean everything that practically or systematically belong to you whether you belong to Him [God] as a son or not or whether you serve Him or not, just as the secular government collect a certain portion of benefit as tax over your head, that is exactly how God owns a right of benefit over you and yours and therefore, you must honour Him with His own share so you can live at peace with the remainder because it will be detrimental if you refuse to voluntarily honour him, but rather being compelled to do so which will come with punishment that you cannot escape from. Bearing in mind that the devil also claim a certain share over man but which is meant to steal, kill or destroy the glory of God in them [John 10: 10], you will understand details as you read through. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Though God is the creator of all things both the heaven and the earth and all that dwell within it [Psalms 24: 1] but after He created the earth, He gave everything solely to man to rule over it, manage it and reproduce good things from it [Genesis 1: 26-31] and at the same time report back to Him [God] of what they have done with what He gave them [Romans 14: 12], and therefore, man, became a god on their own [Proverb 16: 9, Psalm 82: 6, John 10: 34] especially over what they have or what they have produced with their own hands but God has a sole right of share over all that they have produced because He is the creator and the one that oversee all the affair of man [Daniel 4: 17] just as the case of the secular government we narrated above that because they oversee the affair of the country and therefore have a sole right to share part of your benefit as tax being collected over every individual and which you must not default because if you do, there will be punishment as statutory or legal to that effect, this is exactly how spiritual principles also work. But then, you know that a tax will not be collected from an infant but from those that have grown up to a knowledge to start reproduction in the area working to fetch income for themselves, this is exactly how God will not hold anything against you when you are still an infant but rather as you come up to a stage when you begin to have a sense of your own.
You see, do not be deceived, God and Satan has a certain portion over you and over whatsoever thing you have [Mark 12: 17]. The reason why the devil came into this is because man, themselves, that is our first parent, Adam and Eve, voluntarily invite the devil and gave him authority over them by a way of breaking the covenant between them and God, where God had critically forewarned them not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil [Genesis 2: 16-17] which critically mean that evil and good must share a ground or a foot hold in man, this is practically how sin enters the whole world through our first parent which now gave the devil some level of authority and a foot hold over man and after this have been achieved, man could not overcome sin any longer because evil which is the devil has an authority over them [man] [Romans 6: 14].
As a result of the above, sin became the order of the day on the earth [Genesis 6: 5-6] and when God can no longer bear such level or height of iniquities, He Had pity over man that instead of destroying them as He did before [Genesis 6: 5-8], He gave them another chance which is the final escape root by sending His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] to pay the price of their disobedience, which is death [1 John 2: 2], because He had forewarned our first parent [Adam and Eve] that if they partake of that tree of knowledge of good and of evil as explained above, they will surely die [Genesis 2: 17] and so, Jesus Christ came to pay the price of death so that the punishment [curse] of breaking the covenant with God can be lifted off but only to those who genuinely seek and accept Him as their lord and savior that this privilege will be available to. Therefore I urgently will admonish you to seek Him [Jesus Christ] who is the only one that can reconnect you back to God the father because there is no other way except Him so that you can live a life not under sin but under grace.
Our lord, Jesus Christ, speaking in the above bible text [Mark 12: 13-17 NLT] which read “Later the leader sent some Pharisees and supporter of Herod to trap Jesus into saying something for which He could be arrested. Teacher they said, we know how honest you are, you are impartial and don’t play favourite. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us; is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we? Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, why are you trying to trap me? Show me a roman coin and i will tell you, when they handed it to Him He asked, whose picture and title are stamped on it? Caesar’s they reply. Well then, Jesus said, give to Caesar what belong to Caesar and give to God what belong to God, His reply completely amazed them” 
Beloved, while God is trying to behold Man which He, Himself, created for His good and desire, the devil, also usually make a claim over them based on the authority which man had given him [devil] as explained above and this is why the book of [Galatians 5: 17-18 NIV] tell us that “for the flesh desire what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law”
As you know the devil works through the flesh as the component in man which is corruptible and he [devil] cannot overcome God because God created Him [devil] but the power to allow the devil have his way or not lies in man as God had given them [man] the power of freewill which made them God on their own to explicitly take their decision from their heart [Proverb 16: 9] and based on this, it is the once that diligently and genuinely seek God through His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] that will be saved from the hand of the devil because without Jesus Christ, no man can overcome the devil, rather they will be working for him [devil] unknowingly since it is either you are with the devil or with Jesus Christ as there is no middle place but I pray for you that the power you need to overcome the devil in all his devices, may the lord gives to you in Jesus name.
We have learnt from above that the devil make a claim on every individual even among the children of God but to those who have genuinely surrender their life to Christ and allow Him to take charge over them and who really know what they are doing and as well know the God whom they serve shall do exploit [Daniel 11: 32b] and will be the set of believer that can put the devil under total subjection and thereby have the power to control what they want and the devil cannot stop them [Luke 10: 19] though the devil may still try to make a claim of his share either in the area of property, money, shelter, woman, sickness, disease, children, trial, jobs and so many others which could either comes as stealing or destroying and killing as this is his [devil] major business on earth [John 10: 10] but in any way these set of believer as describe above holds the power and authority to control more than ninety percent of their freedom to which the remainder is a very minute fraction which cannot hold them down and they may not feel anything to that effect and which will be the sacrifice burned for passing through this world because there must be a sacrifice to that effect but individual capability will actually determine the degree to which this is manifested.
Those that are not of Christ will be helpless in the above scenario because they have no authority over the devil and he will cheaply decide what to take from them even beyond measure. The devil may also gives you riches to steal your soul which is of eternal value and have lordship over you and your generation especially when he [devil] sees the light of God within and so he can do anything to make sure the light does not shine because he has his own power controlling the air and so, whatever he want can be made available to him but limited to the earth because he is of this world [John 8: 23]. 
Now let’s look at those thing that are God’s right over man that will give you abundant peace with the remainder because when Godly sole portion or share is observe, He [God] will gives you power and at the same time help you to put the devil under total subjection and have him under your foot since He is the only one that can stop the devil for you as no man on earth has the power of himself to deal with the devil except God be with him.
1. Fellowship with God:
The primary objectives of God creating man is to fellowship with them [1 Chronicle 16: 29-31,  Matthew 22: 36-38, 1 John 1: 3], to adore Him [God] as God and to worship Him as the owner of the one that has your soul spirit and body [1 Chronicle 16: 23-25, Revelation 4: 8-11], to praise him as the most powerful and the all sufficient of ancient time [Psalms 99: 1-3, Psalm 33: 1-6], to give Him thanks as the creator and owner of the whole universe and the one that oversea the affair of man [Psalm 95: 2-3]. Beloved, fellowshipping with God is the most expensive of all sacrifice to God Himself because He desire it even more than your burnt offering especially the one that comes from a broken spirit and contrite heart [Psalm 51: 16-17]. 
One thing to note about fellowshipping with God is that the one to fellowship with the almighty must be holy and remain holy in all his or her life desire and endeavors because God is holy and He only accept such offering from a holy and humble heart [1 Peter 1: 16, Amos 3: 3]. To fellowship with God involve fellowship of saints with His brethren and of course, your periodic and constant personal hour of praise and worship with Him, as well as your personal hour of His world to grow deeper in His knowledge day by day. All of these are a right of God over you as the one that create you because when you fail in this area, there are implications which serve as punishment and that is to be cursed! Which means that God Himself will send His soldiers to cause a restriction on the individual [Joel 2: 25] but that will not come until you have a sense of your own and have received adequate messages of salvation and warning just as I’m sharing this with you because God is a just God and He will not hold anything against you when you don’t have a sense of your own or when you have not been forewarned severally [John 15: 22] and like I said above, a man could gain the whole world but loses his soul which is of eternal value
2. Showing appreciation to Him as a true servant so He can do more:
God is a real father, just as your biological father and all the attribute found in your earthly father can be found in Him also except carnal desire of the flesh because He is a spirit and not a man [John 4: 24]. True worship and adoration will not be complete without showing appreciation as a loyal and faithful servant [Malachi 3: 8, 2 Corinthians 9: 7]. God desire your appreciation much as He desire you, especially the once done with a joyful and grateful heart [1 Thessalonica 5: 18, Luke 17: 11-19, 2 Corinthians 9: 7] because this is a spiritual principle to which God Himself operate but your thanksgiving will not be completed or accepted if it is done with a heart of unforgiveness [Matthew 23: 23] as God is a God of purity and holiness and expect you to be pure in heart even towards your fellow man before an acceptance could be credited before Him [Matthew 23: 23].
In whatever you do, you should recognize that God is the creator of everything on this planet, including you and so, He deserve a right of your fellowship and of your deep appreciation at least for creating you and giving you the opportunity to be on this planet and also being among the living. Please note that the devil does not create anything because God created him [Ezekiel 28: 12-17] and so, he only dwell on what God has created and likewise, cannot wipe away your curses because God Himself places the curse on mankind for disobeying Him [God] [Genesis 3: 1-19] and therefore He [God] is the only one that can remove it since He is the one that create it. Simple. I pray the lord grant grace of deeper understanding into this great lecture in Jesus name.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and equally partake of the effectiveness of his wrath and the blessing that comes with it, and that you are sure, you are ready to repent from all those sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and i accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note: 
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to overcome the desire of the flesh as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. You can also look out for all our previous publish article and book to deepen your knowledge in Christ and this will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener with several topics about God and human existence and knowing the true God and which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life. Ignorance is the highest form of bondage that limit your power of knowledge in God which carry much power above all things on this earth, so be informed of God knowledge and stay out of the dark circle. The lord bless you as you do.
If you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. We also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
Personal Contact: 
WhatsApp: 07010795629
BBM Pin: 2B43366F1
Twitter Handle: @fmdot10k
Facebook: Youth and Single Empowerment Club. YASEC. [facebook.com/club4christ]
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner. 
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
People reached
Distribution score
Boost Unavailable
You and 1.9K others
Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page [facebook.com/club4christ] so you will be getting all future sermon. God bless you as you do.
Title: God's portion
Bible text: Mark 12: 13-17
Preacher: Pst. Femi. Olomola
                  (President, Elshaddai-Elohim Youth Ministry)
Copyright© Femi. Olomola 2017 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] June, 2017
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "Destiny Manager" to understand how a man’s destiny is being secretly managed to follow a certain path or journey and thereby satisfying the desire of the one taking lordship over the process. Destiny as it is defined in our last sermon can be managed by God and Satan depending on the one which you have allowed to take his place in you. Though God is the creator of everything in the world and He set his plan sure from the beginning but so many things along this journey of life can set or divert His good desire for us to turn out to be something entirely different from His plan. May the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "God’s portion" in other to understand how God owns a right of a certain portion over you and everything you have, I mean everything that practically or systematically belong to you whether you belong to Him [God] as a son or not or whether you serve Him or not, just as the secular government collect a certain portion of benefit as tax over your head, that is exactly how God owns a right of benefit over you and yours and therefore, you must honour Him with His own share so you can live at peace with the remainder because it will be detrimental if you refuse to voluntarily honour him, but rather being compelled to do so which will come with punishment that you cannot escape from. Bearing in mind that the devil also claim a certain share over man but which is meant to steal, kill or destroy the glory of God in them [John 10: 10], you will understand details as you read through. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Though God is the creator of all things both the heaven and the earth and all that dwell within it [Psalms 24: 1] but after He created the earth, He gave everything solely to man to rule over it, manage it and reproduce good things from it [Genesis 1: 26-31] and at the same time report back to Him [God] of what they have done with what He gave them [Romans 14: 12], and therefore, man, became a god on their own [Proverb 16: 9, Psalm 82: 6, John 10: 34] especially over what they have or what they have produced with their own hands but God has a sole right of share over all that they have produced because He is the creator and the one that oversee all the affair of man [Daniel 4: 17] just as the case of the secular government we narrated above that because they oversee the affair of the country and therefore have a sole right to share part of your benefit as tax being collected over every individual and which you must not default because if you do, there will be punishment as statutory or legal to that effect, this is exactly how spiritual principles also work. But then, you know that a tax will not be collected from an infant but from those that have grown up to a knowledge to start reproduction in the area working to fetch income for themselves, this is exactly how God will not hold anything against you when you are still an infant but rather as you come up to a stage when you begin to have a sense of your own.
You see, do not be deceived, God and Satan has a certain portion over you and over whatsoever thing you have [Mark 12: 17]. The reason why the devil came into this is because man, themselves, that is our first parent, Adam and Eve, voluntarily invite the devil and gave him authority over them by a way of breaking the covenant between them and God, where God had critically forewarned them not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil [Genesis 2: 16-17] which critically mean that evil and good must share a ground or a foot hold in man, this is practically how sin enters the whole world through our first parent which now gave the devil some level of authority and a foot hold over man and after this have been achieved, man could not overcome sin any longer because evil which is the devil has an authority over them [man] [Romans 6: 14].
As a result of the above, sin became the order of the day on the earth [Genesis 6: 5-6] and when God can no longer bear such level or height of iniquities, He Had pity over man that instead of destroying them as He did before [Genesis 6: 5-8], He gave them another chance which is the final escape root by sending His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] to pay the price of their disobedience, which is death [1 John 2: 2], because He had forewarned our first parent [Adam and Eve] that if they partake of that tree of knowledge of good and of evil as explained above, they will surely die [Genesis 2: 17] and so, Jesus Christ came to pay the price of death so that the punishment [curse] of breaking the covenant with God can be lifted off but only to those who genuinely seek and accept Him as their lord and savior that this privilege will be available to. Therefore I urgently will admonish you to seek Him [Jesus Christ] who is the only one that can reconnect you back to God the father because there is no other way except Him so that you can live a life not under sin but under grace.
Our lord, Jesus Christ, speaking in the above bible text [Mark 12: 13-17 NLT] which read “Later the leader sent some Pharisees and supporter of Herod to trap Jesus into saying something for which He could be arrested. Teacher they said, we know how honest you are, you are impartial and don’t play favourite. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us; is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we? Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, why are you trying to trap me? Show me a roman coin and i will tell you, when they handed it to Him He asked, whose picture and title are stamped on it? Caesar’s they reply. Well then, Jesus said, give to Caesar what belong to Caesar and give to God what belong to God, His reply completely amazed them” 
Beloved, while God is trying to behold Man which He, Himself, created for His good and desire, the devil, also usually make a claim over them based on the authority which man had given him [devil] as explained above and this is why the book of [Galatians 5: 17-18 NIV] tell us that “for the flesh desire what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law”
As you know the devil works through the flesh as the component in man which is corruptible and he [devil] cannot overcome God because God created Him [devil] but the power to allow the devil have his way or not lies in man as God had given them [man] the power of freewill which made them God on their own to explicitly take their decision from their heart [Proverb 16: 9] and based on this, it is the once that diligently and genuinely seek God through His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] that will be saved from the hand of the devil because without Jesus Christ, no man can overcome the devil, rather they will be working for him [devil] unknowingly since it is either you are with the devil or with Jesus Christ as there is no middle place but I pray for you that the power you need to overcome the devil in all his devices, may the lord gives to you in Jesus name.
We have learnt from above that the devil make a claim on every individual even among the children of God but to those who have genuinely surrender their life to Christ and allow Him to take charge over them and who really know what they are doing and as well know the God whom they serve shall do exploit [Daniel 11: 32b] and will be the set of believer that can put the devil under total subjection and thereby have the power to control what they want and the devil cannot stop them [Luke 10: 19] though the devil may still try to make a claim of his share either in the area of property, money, shelter, woman, sickness, disease, children, trial, jobs and so many others which could either comes as stealing or destroying and killing as this is his [devil] major business on earth [John 10: 10] but in any way these set of believer as describe above holds the power and authority to control more than ninety percent of their freedom to which the remainder is a very minute fraction which cannot hold them down and they may not feel anything to that effect and which will be the sacrifice burned for passing through this world because there must be a sacrifice to that effect but individual capability will actually determine the degree to which this is manifested.
Those that are not of Christ will be helpless in the above scenario because they have no authority over the devil and he will cheaply decide what to take from them even beyond measure. The devil may also gives you riches to steal your soul which is of eternal value and have lordship over you and your generation especially when he [devil] sees the light of God within and so he can do anything to make sure the light does not shine because he has his own power controlling the air and so, whatever he want can be made available to him but limited to the earth because he is of this world [John 8: 23]. 
Now let’s look at those thing that are God’s right over man that will give you abundant peace with the remainder because when Godly sole portion or share is observe, He [God] will gives you power and at the same time help you to put the devil under total subjection and have him under your foot since He is the only one that can stop the devil for you as no man on earth has the power of himself to deal with the devil except God be with him.
1. Fellowship with God:
The primary objectives of God creating man is to fellowship with them [1 Chronicle 16: 29-31,  Matthew 22: 36-38, 1 John 1: 3], to adore Him [God] as God and to worship Him as the owner of the one that has your soul spirit and body [1 Chronicle 16: 23-25, Revelation 4: 8-11], to praise him as the most powerful and the all sufficient of ancient time [Psalms 99: 1-3, Psalm 33: 1-6], to give Him thanks as the creator and owner of the whole universe and the one that oversea the affair of man [Psalm 95: 2-3]. Beloved, fellowshipping with God is the most expensive of all sacrifice to God Himself because He desire it even more than your burnt offering especially the one that comes from a broken spirit and contrite heart [Psalm 51: 16-17]. 
One thing to note about fellowshipping with God is that the one to fellowship with the almighty must be holy and remain holy in all his or her life desire and endeavors because God is holy and He only accept such offering from a holy and humble heart [1 Peter 1: 16, Amos 3: 3]. To fellowship with God involve fellowship of saints with His brethren and of course, your periodic and constant personal hour of praise and worship with Him, as well as your personal hour of His world to grow deeper in His knowledge day by day. All of these are a right of God over you as the one that create you because when you fail in this area, there are implications which serve as punishment and that is to be cursed! Which means that God Himself will send His soldiers to cause a restriction on the individual [Joel 2: 25] but that will not come until you have a sense of your own and have received adequate messages of salvation and warning just as I’m sharing this with you because God is a just God and He will not hold anything against you when you don’t have a sense of your own or when you have not been forewarned severally [John 15: 22] and like I said above, a man could gain the whole world but loses his soul which is of eternal value
2. Showing appreciation to Him as a true servant so He can do more:
God is a real father, just as your biological father and all the attribute found in your earthly father can be found in Him also except carnal desire of the flesh because He is a spirit and not a man [John 4: 24]. True worship and adoration will not be complete without showing appreciation as a loyal and faithful servant [Malachi 3: 8, 2 Corinthians 9: 7]. God desire your appreciation much as He desire you, especially the once done with a joyful and grateful heart [1 Thessalonica 5: 18, Luke 17: 11-19, 2 Corinthians 9: 7] because this is a spiritual principle to which God Himself operate but your thanksgiving will not be completed or accepted if it is done with a heart of unforgiveness [Matthew 23: 23] as God is a God of purity and holiness and expect you to be pure in heart even towards your fellow man before an acceptance could be credited before Him [Matthew 23: 23].
In whatever you do, you should recognize that God is the creator of everything on this planet, including you and so, He deserve a right of your fellowship and of your deep appreciation at least for creating you and giving you the opportunity to be on this planet and also being among the living. Please note that the devil does not create anything because God created him [Ezekiel 28: 12-17] and so, he only dwell on what God has created and likewise, cannot wipe away your curses because God Himself places the curse on mankind for disobeying Him [God] [Genesis 3: 1-19] and therefore He [God] is the only one that can remove it since He is the one that create it. Simple. I pray the lord grant grace of deeper understanding into this great lecture in Jesus name.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and equally partake of the effectiveness of his wrath and the blessing that comes with it, and that you are sure, you are ready to repent from all those sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and i accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note: 
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to overcome the desire of the flesh as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. You can also look out for all our previous publish article and book to deepen your knowledge in Christ and this will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener with several topics about God and human existence and knowing the true God and which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life. Ignorance is the highest form of bondage that limit your power of knowledge in God which carry much power above all things on this earth, so be informed of God knowledge and stay out of the dark circle. The lord bless you as you do.
If you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. We also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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Twitter Handle: @fmdot10k
Facebook: Youth and Single Empowerment Club. YASEC. [facebook.com/club4christ]
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner. 
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
People reached
Distribution score
Boost Unavailable

You and 1.9K others





Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page [facebook.com/club4christ] so you will be getting all future sermon. God bless you as you do.
Title: God's portion
Bible text: Mark 12: 13-17
Preacher: Pst. Femi. Olomola
(President, Elshaddai-Elohim Youth Ministry)
Copyright© Femi. Olomola 2017 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] June, 2017
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "Destiny Manager" to understand how a man’s destiny is being secretly managed to follow a certain path or journey and thereby satisfying the desire of the one taking lordship over the process. Destiny as it is defined in our last sermon can be managed by God and Satan depending on the one which you have allowed to take his place in you. Though God is the creator of everything in the world and He set his plan sure from the beginning but so many things along this journey of life can set or divert His good desire for us to turn out to be something entirely different from His plan. May the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "God’s portion" in other to understand how God owns a right of a certain portion over you and everything you have, I mean everything that practically or systematically belong to you whether you belong to Him [God] as a son or not or whether you serve Him or not, just as the secular government collect a certain portion of benefit as tax over your head, that is exactly how God owns a right of benefit over you and yours and therefore, you must honour Him with His own share so you can live at peace with the remainder because it will be detrimental if you refuse to voluntarily honour him, but rather being compelled to do so which will come with punishment that you cannot escape from. Bearing in mind that the devil also claim a certain share over man but which is meant to steal, kill or destroy the glory of God in them [John 10: 10], you will understand details as you read through. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Though God is the creator of all things both the heaven and the earth and all that dwell within it [Psalms 24: 1] but after He created the earth, He gave everything solely to man to rule over it, manage it and reproduce good things from it [Genesis 1: 26-31] and at the same time report back to Him [God] of what they have done with what He gave them [Romans 14: 12], and therefore, man, became a god on their own [Proverb 16: 9, Psalm 82: 6, John 10: 34] especially over what they have or what they have produced with their own hands but God has a sole right of share over all that they have produced because He is the creator and the one that oversee all the affair of man [Daniel 4: 17] just as the case of the secular government we narrated above that because they oversee the affair of the country and therefore have a sole right to share part of your benefit as tax being collected over every individual and which you must not default because if you do, there will be punishment as statutory or legal to that effect, this is exactly how spiritual principles also work. But then, you know that a tax will not be collected from an infant but from those that have grown up to a knowledge to start reproduction in the area working to fetch income for themselves, this is exactly how God will not hold anything against you when you are still an infant but rather as you come up to a stage when you begin to have a sense of your own.
You see, do not be deceived, God and Satan has a certain portion over you and over whatsoever thing you have [Mark 12: 17]. The reason why the devil came into this is because man, themselves, that is our first parent, Adam and Eve, voluntarily invite the devil and gave him authority over them by a way of breaking the covenant between them and God, where God had critically forewarned them not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil [Genesis 2: 16-17] which critically mean that evil and good must share a ground or a foot hold in man, this is practically how sin enters the whole world through our first parent which now gave the devil some level of authority and a foot hold over man and after this have been achieved, man could not overcome sin any longer because evil which is the devil has an authority over them [man] [Romans 6: 14].
As a result of the above, sin became the order of the day on the earth [Genesis 6: 5-6] and when God can no longer bear such level or height of iniquities, He Had pity over man that instead of destroying them as He did before [Genesis 6: 5-8], He gave them another chance which is the final escape root by sending His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] to pay the price of their disobedience, which is death [1 John 2: 2], because He had forewarned our first parent [Adam and Eve] that if they partake of that tree of knowledge of good and of evil as explained above, they will surely die [Genesis 2: 17] and so, Jesus Christ came to pay the price of death so that the punishment [curse] of breaking the covenant with God can be lifted off but only to those who genuinely seek and accept Him as their lord and savior that this privilege will be available to. Therefore I urgently will admonish you to seek Him [Jesus Christ] who is the only one that can reconnect you back to God the father because there is no other way except Him so that you can live a life not under sin but under grace.
Our lord, Jesus Christ, speaking in the above bible text [Mark 12: 13-17 NLT] which read “Later the leader sent some Pharisees and supporter of Herod to trap Jesus into saying something for which He could be arrested. Teacher they said, we know how honest you are, you are impartial and don’t play favourite. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us; is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we? Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, why are you trying to trap me? Show me a roman coin and i will tell you, when they handed it to Him He asked, whose picture and title are stamped on it? Caesar’s they reply. Well then, Jesus said, give to Caesar what belong to Caesar and give to God what belong to God, His reply completely amazed them”
Beloved, while God is trying to behold Man which He, Himself, created for His good and desire, the devil, also usually make a claim over them based on the authority which man had given him [devil] as explained above and this is why the book of [Galatians 5: 17-18 NIV] tell us that “for the flesh desire what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law”
As you know the devil works through the flesh as the component in man which is corruptible and he [devil] cannot overcome God because God created Him [devil] but the power to allow the devil have his way or not lies in man as God had given them [man] the power of freewill which made them God on their own to explicitly take their decision from their heart [Proverb 16: 9] and based on this, it is the once that diligently and genuinely seek God through His only begotten son [Jesus Christ] that will be saved from the hand of the devil because without Jesus Christ, no man can overcome the devil, rather they will be working for him [devil] unknowingly since it is either you are with the devil or with Jesus Christ as there is no middle place but I pray for you that the power you need to overcome the devil in all his devices, may the lord gives to you in Jesus name.
We have learnt from above that the devil make a claim on every individual even among the children of God but to those who have genuinely surrender their life to Christ and allow Him to take charge over them and who really know what they are doing and as well know the God whom they serve shall do exploit [Daniel 11: 32b] and will be the set of believer that can put the devil under total subjection and thereby have the power to control what they want and the devil cannot stop them [Luke 10: 19] though the devil may still try to make a claim of his share either in the area of property, money, shelter, woman, sickness, disease, children, trial, jobs and so many others which could either comes as stealing or destroying and killing as this is his [devil] major business on earth [John 10: 10] but in any way these set of believer as describe above holds the power and authority to control more than ninety percent of their freedom to which the remainder is a very minute fraction which cannot hold them down and they may not feel anything to that effect and which will be the sacrifice burned for passing through this world because there must be a sacrifice to that effect but individual capability will actually determine the degree to which this is manifested.
Those that are not of Christ will be helpless in the above scenario because they have no authority over the devil and he will cheaply decide what to take from them even beyond measure. The devil may also gives you riches to steal your soul which is of eternal value and have lordship over you and your generation especially when he [devil] sees the light of God within and so he can do anything to make sure the light does not shine because he has his own power controlling the air and so, whatever he want can be made available to him but limited to the earth because he is of this world [John 8: 23].
Now let’s look at those thing that are God’s right over man that will give you abundant peace with the remainder because when Godly sole portion or share is observe, He [God] will gives you power and at the same time help you to put the devil under total subjection and have him under your foot since He is the only one that can stop the devil for you as no man on earth has the power of himself to deal with the devil except God be with him.
1. Fellowship with God:
The primary objectives of God creating man is to fellowship with them [1 Chronicle 16: 29-31, Matthew 22: 36-38, 1 John 1: 3], to adore Him [God] as God and to worship Him as the owner of the one that has your soul spirit and body [1 Chronicle 16: 23-25, Revelation 4: 8-11], to praise him as the most powerful and the all sufficient of ancient time [Psalms 99: 1-3, Psalm 33: 1-6], to give Him thanks as the creator and owner of the whole universe and the one that oversea the affair of man [Psalm 95: 2-3]. Beloved, fellowshipping with God is the most expensive of all sacrifice to God Himself because He desire it even more than your burnt offering especially the one that comes from a broken spirit and contrite heart [Psalm 51: 16-17].
One thing to note about fellowshipping with God is that the one to fellowship with the almighty must be holy and remain holy in all his or her life desire and endeavors because God is holy and He only accept such offering from a holy and humble heart [1 Peter 1: 16, Amos 3: 3]. To fellowship with God involve fellowship of saints with His brethren and of course, your periodic and constant personal hour of praise and worship with Him, as well as your personal hour of His world to grow deeper in His knowledge day by day. All of these are a right of God over you as the one that create you because when you fail in this area, there are implications which serve as punishment and that is to be cursed! Which means that God Himself will send His soldiers to cause a restriction on the individual [Joel 2: 25] but that will not come until you have a sense of your own and have received adequate messages of salvation and warning just as I’m sharing this with you because God is a just God and He will not hold anything against you when you don’t have a sense of your own or when you have not been forewarned severally [John 15: 22] and like I said above, a man could gain the whole world but loses his soul which is of eternal value
2. Showing appreciation to Him as a true servant so He can do more:
God is a real father, just as your biological father and all the attribute found in your earthly father can be found in Him also except carnal desire of the flesh because He is a spirit and not a man [John 4: 24]. True worship and adoration will not be complete without showing appreciation as a loyal and faithful servant [Malachi 3: 8, 2 Corinthians 9: 7]. God desire your appreciation much as He desire you, especially the once done with a joyful and grateful heart [1 Thessalonica 5: 18, Luke 17: 11-19, 2 Corinthians 9: 7] because this is a spiritual principle to which God Himself operate but your thanksgiving will not be completed or accepted if it is done with a heart of unforgiveness [Matthew 23: 23] as God is a God of purity and holiness and expect you to be pure in heart even towards your fellow man before an acceptance could be credited before Him [Matthew 23: 23].
In whatever you do, you should recognize that God is the creator of everything on this planet, including you and so, He deserve a right of your fellowship and of your deep appreciation at least for creating you and giving you the opportunity to be on this planet and also being among the living. Please note that the devil does not create anything because God created him [Ezekiel 28: 12-17] and so, he only dwell on what God has created and likewise, cannot wipe away your curses because God Himself places the curse on mankind for disobeying Him [God] [Genesis 3: 1-19] and therefore He [God] is the only one that can remove it since He is the one that create it. Simple. I pray the lord grant grace of deeper understanding into this great lecture in Jesus name.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and equally partake of the effectiveness of his wrath and the blessing that comes with it, and that you are sure, you are ready to repent from all those sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and i accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to overcome the desire of the flesh as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. You can also look out for all our previous publish article and book to deepen your knowledge in Christ and this will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener with several topics about God and human existence and knowing the true God and which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life. Ignorance is the highest form of bondage that limit your power of knowledge in God which carry much power above all things on this earth, so be informed of God knowledge and stay out of the dark circle. The lord bless you as you do.
If you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. We also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
Personal Contact:
WhatsApp: 07010795629
BBM Pin: 2B43366F1
Twitter Handle: @fmdot10k
Facebook: Youth and Single Empowerment Club. YASEC. [facebook.com/club4christ]
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
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Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
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