The Cult of the modern day Church
By Femi Olomola - December 22, 2016
SERMON FOR THE WEEK (The Cult of the modern day Church)
This sermon is specially prepared for all those that are very zealous to serve God and desire to make heaven at last, this is also a must read for all good people of this world and every believer, especially the youth and single. Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page so you will be getting all future sermons. God bless you as do.
Title: The cult of the modern day Church
Bible text: 1 John 4: 1-4, Matthew 7: 22-23
Preacher: Femi S O (A Teacher and Prophet of God)
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "By their fruit, ye shall know them" to learn all the tricks involved by which the devil carry out his mission by trying to disguise as an agent of light thereby producing his desire fruit in every individual and we say that fruit, as a symbol of loyalty is a product of the inner content which clearly express the objectives of the one dwelling within. We also narrated some ways through which the devil uses to produce his desire fruits as immoral dressing, marriage, conformity to the style of the world and so on.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic “The cult of the modern day church” which is related to the previous week sermon but with deeper revelation, to awaken us to the cheap ways the devil is using to keep people under his domain, in other to satisfy his lordship desire and execute his mission accordingly. The worst part of this is that so many are ignorant of this and therefore, many have fallen greatly to this cheap devises of the devil because he uses almost everything closer to godliness and righteousness to trick his prey to believe and be under his domain. Please sit back and enjoy this life changing sermon. May the lord bless you as you do.
The topic above [The cult of the modern day church] might sound confusing to some people because of the combination of words [cult and church] within the phrase.
Cult, as it is being used in the above topic is a deep secrete association of members with a specific power and agenda, which is being arranged or set up to satisfy the lordship of the satanic kingdom and thereby produce their desire fruits in every individuals that are loyal to their lordship. The manifestation of this is a deep spiritual phenomenon which cannot cheaply come to revelation and so, it takes God himself and your quest to get it revealed. The truth is that lordship desire is Satan’s priority and which is why he was cast down to the earth as he could not achieve it in heaven because the created cannot be greater than the creator and so, his plan failed [Isaiah 14; 12-15, Ezekiel 28: 12- 17].
We see that in the bible verse above, Satan want to be like God, that is, ascending to the throne of the most high in heaven but God who knows the heart of all his creation decide to cast him down to disgrace him among men and also give men the power [Luke 10: 19] to trample over him. This one major attribute of lordship forms the desire of all that are deliberately or unconsciously taking cover under him, and this means that all those that have critically allowed Satan to be their master or lord will automatically find themselves desiring or very zealous about lordship or taking Dominion over every person or things of this world and have it under themselves, they can do anything, even to kill, to achieve their lordship desire because of the spirit of the devil that dwell within them. The implication of this lordship attribute is that its comes with pride and which is the only thing that had brought about the downfall of Satan from heaven and make him lost his place among the angel of God as we have read above.
Like I said above, this lordship desire becomes the first priority of Satan, which does not made him to be humble and if eventually is humble to you, he is already looking for what to steal from you and he will definitely steal from you to compliment his humble service because he has no other mission than to steal, kill and destroy [John 10: 10] and when he is humble to you, he must look for ways at all cost to steal your glory and bring you down. The manifestations of all this is a deep spiritual phenomenon which cannot cheaply come to revelation, except God reveal it [Matthew 16: 13-17, Jeremiah 33: 3]. This is why you must be at alert at all times, so that, whenever God have mercy on you to reveal the spirit that dwell in someone closer to you and you realize the spirit is not from God, you have to dine with him or her with a long spoon, not to allow any form of closeness at all because one of the fast and easiest ways through which the spirit dwelling in that individual will come to manifest through you is the love or likeness or affection you develop for such individual and that you both share, so be guided.
However when the devil succeed to lord over you, he chiefly decide what to do with you just as an employer will decide what to do with his employee after employment, the role and contribution to his organization, the devil also decide what role his loyalist will be playing, based on their inherent capabilities or strength to satisfy his ministry of stealing, killing and destroying because he has no other business here on earth than this [John 10: 10]. This ministry of destroying man is the only way the devil is using to get back at God since he knows God loves them so much [John 3: 16] and because he cannot face or fight God directly, he plan to destroy the most cherish being God had created since he [devil] is not happy that God throws him down from heaven along with his follower angel to the pit of this world [Isaiah 14: 12-15].
The devil has succeeded in spreading the tenet of his lordship across the entire world from ages to ages and this is being done and practiced like a true doctrine from God the Almighty and so many people knowingly or unknowingly have also fallen for this. He has also eaten deeply through the churches to fully hijack it from the lazy men of God and only those that are strong and that are real covenant God sent or messenger still holding their ground because if God is not fully backing you or not on your side, you cannot and can never fight the devil to succeed. And so, as it is now, no church or fellowship of saint that you will not find the devil and his demon involve but pretending as saint or hiding under sheep’s clothing [Matthew 7: 15-20]. In fact, immediately you plan to set up a fellowship or congregation of praise, they are already there to hijack it or frustrate your effort so that the purpose of worshiping God might not be fulfilled. This is why you must be very watchful and not feels too relaxed that you are in the church because the devil and agents are everywhere.
You may be wondering how come the devil in the church, this is because the devil still goes around with the power which God created him with [Ezekiel 28: 22-14] and he can easily manifest through the flesh which is the closest thing to man. Even when the angel of God came to God’s presence to worship him, Satan was found among them, then God decide to ask him of his whereabouts and he told God that he has been going forth and back roaming around the earth and thereafter, God pointed Job to him as a faithful servant and to be tested according to the book of [Job 1: 6-12], even among the twelve disciple of Jesus Christ, Satan manifest through as Judas Iscariot [Matthew 26:14-16] and also, the church of God in Jerusalem was fully hijacked by Satan and his demon where they had turned it to a market and gamble spot, until Jesus Christ came out of anger to scatter and destroy their table through which they gamble and market [Matthew 21: 12-13]. So you see, the devil can manifest through the flesh to be among men of God but the one to which the devil will be using knowingly or unknowingly to them could either be his children or someone that have allowed the devil to lord over him or her and all this will be very hidden that only God can reveal it. So be watchful.
Nevertheless, God will never leave his children in the dark, especially those that are always with him in the spirit, he will always and continuously be revealing the tricks, plan and the devices of the devil to them, so that even as the devil is hidden among men, his evil deed will always be revealed, and also that they will be guided.
Furthermore, the devil uses everything closer to godliness and righteousness to deceive his prey and put them under him and therefore, envelope them with his demonic anointing or power [Matthew 7: 15-20]. Our bible text [1 John 4: 1-4] made us understand that we should not just believe every spirit but put the spirit to test to confirm if they are from God because many false prophet have gone out into the world and they are now in the world already. The second one, Matthew 7: 22-23 also made us understand that on the Day of Judgment so many will say to our lord Jesus Christ that did we not prophecy, heal, and cast out demon in your name? But he will say to them depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you. Actually this is surprising but it is happening everywhere nowadays because this category of people belief they are serving God or working for him but never knew they are far from him, and therefore ended up serving the devil, because its either you are with God or with the devil, so no middle place ok. I will explain this briefly as I proceed.
You see, no matter what you are doing in the church, whether you are a Pastor, choristers, minister, or worker, if your spirit is not found or reckoning with God in the spirit, you are only working to serve the lordship of Satan in that church because EVERY GATHERING OF PEOPLE MUST HAVE TWO LEVEL OF CHAMBER, ONE FOR GOD AND THE OTHER FOR THE DEVIL and this will be a deep spiritual phenomenon that cannot cheaply come to revelation except God reveal it. God is a spirit and he only reckon with your spirit to identify with you.
There are many individuals serving God either being a Pastor, or minister or worker that are wolf and lion of the devil in the spirit realm, they themselves might not be aware of this because it is a deep spiritual phenomenon or some of them that are very closer to the devil might equally know who they really are in the spirit but they will disguise as good saint hiding under sheep’s clothing and everything they do physically [prophecy, healing, miracle, preaching, altitude, and judgment] will always reflect godliness as if they are already with God in the spirit but all these are just the devises of the devil. This is why Jesus is saying that on the day of judgment, so many will tell him, did we not heal, prophecy and cast out demon in your name but he will tell them, depart from me ye workers of iniquities I never knew you, as it is being stated in our bible test [Matthew 7: 22-23].
Do not be deceived, for you cannot know the one that is with God by mere physical attribute, even Jesus Christ faced this challenge according to the book of Matthew 16: 13-17, when people were saying series of things about who he is, then he decided to ask his disciple that what do people say about me, they reply, some say John the baptize, other says Elijah and still others say Jeremiah or one of the prophet, then he continued to ask them, then what about you, who do you say I am? And Simon Peter answered that you are the messiah, then Jesus Christ said to him that, blessed are you Simon son of Jonah, FOR THIS WAS NOT REVEALED TO YOU BY FLESH AND BLOOD BUT BY MY FATHER IN HEAVEN. So we see that it is only God who can reveal what belong to him, not the flesh or the devil and not by observing altitude or physical attributes.
Please know this now, that God is a spirit and it is only when you live and worship him in spirit that you can please him [John 4: 24] and be having all these revelations as discussed above come to you cheaply because if you are not in the spirit all the time, by the time the world will have swallowed you, you will still be thinking you are with God, just like you know, that to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, and so, a carnal mind can never please God except its in the spirit [Romans 8: 6-8]. So I pray for someone reading this my sermon today that every power contending with you, be it foundational, generational or self induced that will not allow you reckon with God in the spirit, may it be swallowed up by the power and grace available through the blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus name.
Now let me list out ways the devil will manifest to lord over every individual trying to serve God and ended up serving his lordship:
1. Marriage: Mark 10: 7-8, Deuteronomy 7: 3-4
Marriage is a destiny journey and it is the greatest cult of all, this feature makes it the easiest and the cheapest gateway to fall under the lordship of the devil as explain above. Even the hidden lordship of the devil as expected in the church can never be adequately achieved without this one feature of marriage. And what this means is that the devil uses marriage with his children to bring people under his lordship even in the church because Satan has his children and loyal servant scatters everywhere. So there is a need to look and pray very well before picking your partner because so many things are attached to this stage of man in life, your destiny and serving God to make heaven at last.
Marriage is the greatest cult of all because the power behind it which is making it to be one is so strong since the bible said, the two will become one in spirit and flesh [Mark 10: 7-8] and cannot be over emphasized. Please read my previous sermon on the topic, agent of destiny destroyer to get more insight into this as I will not be going into much detail because of time.
This oneness attribute is so strong that even if everything go wrong after engaging with a very wrong partner, God can just give grace to manage the irregularity and this is why God is seriously giving stern warning to his dear loving children that they should stay away from getting hook to a strange woman and if eventually they disobey him and marry them, that his anger will quickly destroys them, please read [Deuteronomy 7: 3-4].
2. Friendship: 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18, Matthew 10: 36-37, Matthew 22: 36-40.
Friendship is an agreement which either knowingly or unknowingly the two parties involve directly or indirectly sign to a path or have an understanding. Deep Friendship goes beyond just physical relationship, it is acknowledged in the spiritual, that is, the two spirits of the people involved reckon with each other in ascertaining the relation especially when love is involve. Friendship also comes with some tone of likeness or love being shared as the case may be and so, the only weapon of a powerless enemy is friendship because he knows that when he has succeeded in taking up your heart with the pretense of his good will, he can easily penetrate to bring you down.
Friendship also will make a man spirit to be week because of the love being shared but only to his or her love mate since love is very powerful and can break through any stronghold of the enemy and if the one being engaged for friendship is an enemy, then such person can easily bring you down. This is why the devil always uses those that are very close to you to execute his mission and to enable continuous monitoring. Our lord Jesus Christ did talk more on this to buttress and ascertain the above, according to the book of Matthew 10: 36-37, which says, “a man enemy will be the member of his own household and anyone who love his mother or father more than me is not worthy of me and anyone who love their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me”
Our lord Jesus Christ understand that love can break in any stronghold, and so if you love anything more than him, then you will hold those thing at high esteem than him, even the greatest commandments given by God himself was anchored on love, which says, Love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your souls, and with all your mind which is the greatest among the ten commandments, and the second is, love your neighbor as yourself [Matthew 22: 36-40].
Having known this, it will be highly necessary to select friends with your spiritual eyes and with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even God seriously caution us to mindful of friends we keep because they can easily contaminate our holy garment [Psalm 1: 1-3, 2 Corinthian 6:4-18].
3. Affection or anxiousness about the things of the world: Philippians 4: 6-7, Romans 12: 1-2
You see, like I said above, the devil has succeeded in spreading the tenet of his lordship across the four corners of the entire world and so, he control so many things. He uses the affection and the anxiousness about what he controls to put people under his lordship and he set all these things at variance against his prey to achieve his desire aim.
The devil is so wise, smart, powerful and full of wisdom [Ezekiel 28: 12-14] and so, he knows how best he can deal with his prey to bring him down. Except the holy spirit from God is with you to help you outsmart the devil, you can never succeed him in his plan, because he is a spirit and not a man and has power more than man and so, it is only God who created him, that can deal with him and also outsmart his plan. If a man therefore rely on his knowledge or ability to succeed on anything in this life without God being with him, such man is seen by the devil as the most foolish man on earth because he can easily bring him down.
The devil uses so many sweet things of the world to entice people and lord over them and the greatest out of all that he usually engaged for this action is woman, and money because he knows that it is only a dead man that will not need this two great weapon in his hand to bring down his prey. This is why the scripture [Philippians 4: 6] says that do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God and the peace of God which transcend all understanding will guard your heart. But the truth is that there no way a man that is in this world, will not be anxious for at least the three basic need: food, shelter, and clothing and so, this is why our lord Jesus Christ affirmed more on this issue in the book of Matthew 6: 25-34 NIV saying:
“ Therefore I tell do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink or about your body, what you will wear, is not life more than food and the body more than cloth? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them, are you not much valuable than they? Verse 31, so do not worry saying what shall we eat, what shall we drink or what shall we wear, for the pagans runs after all these things and your heavenly father knows you need them BUT SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS WELL”
The learning from the above verse is that our lord Jesus is assuring us that all these basic need to meet up standard of living is what the pagans usually run after and got themselves entangled, and that God knows that you definitely need them but he want you to seek him and his righteousness first and all these thing will be given to you even without praying for it because the father know you must definitely need them. So this has solved that issue of being anxious and doubt over your standard of living that when you seek God first, diligently from your heart, then be rest assure that all these things will be added but if they are not coming forth as promised by our lord Jesus Christ, then know that there is a comma in your relationship with him because God words cannot fail.
Romans 12: 1-2 says, therefore I urge you brother and sisters, in view of God mercy to offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God, THIS IS YOUR TRUE AND PROPER WORSHIP, DO NOT COMFORM TO THE PATTERN OF THIS WORLD, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Please dwell on all the above verses as that is how to live for God on this wicked world, now let me share some brief ways through which you can know where you belong, whether the devil is taking lordship over you:
1. Personal hour with God:
Do more of personal time with God, even Jesus Christ usually withdraw from among his his disciple to a personal place to spent personal hour with God [Luke 15: 16], this is the time you come to the altar of God closer to you [please read my previous sermon with the topic, “the altar of God”] to get the basic understanding of this section. A time which you come to God at your personal hour, preferably quiet hour between 12am to 6am to offer your sacrifice of praise and worship to God, also meditate on the word of God and equally submit your petition but with passionate thanksgiving but I will advice you to do more of deep passionate praise to God alone within this period because this will enable God land you in the realm of revelation where you can be seeing where your spirit man is connected to. Also Endeavour to submit sacrifice of unreserved dance to God to show gratitude to him. Deep passionate praise catalyze God’s connection to you and when God is always connected to you, you will be seeing the secrete plan of the devil concerning your life always.
You will also need an helper like a gadget of store music that will usually move your spirit man to action, that is those Christian songs that you so love so much and that you had passion for, you will also try as much as possible to study the lyrics of those music to sing along, so you will know what you are singing to God. God is a spirit and they that worship him must do it in spirit and truth.
May the lord grant you grace to succeed in this quest to know him more in Jesus name.
In Conclusion:
The devil is hijacking the church of God as we have learnt above and displacing week men of God to take over their position out of pretense of a saint or under sheep’s clothing, so I will advice to always guard yourself by all the truth revealed in this book, so that your destiny in God will remain intact because the responsibility to guard your destiny adequately is in your hand as God will not continue to feed you with milk like a baby. There is a time for everything in life, a time to craw, a time to walk, a time to run and take charge what God has kept in you, so my friend take charge. The lord bless you.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to appropriate the God's knowledge around you as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so I will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. you can also look out for my book written on "why do people suffer and why does God allow it" This will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener in the book about human existence and the relationship towards knowing the true GOD, which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life, and if you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. we also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner.
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
About the author
Femi Olomola